Fee: $165/session (60 minutes)
Insurance coverage: I am on the provider list for Anthem and United HealthCare. Individual policies vary widely; you should check with them about your policy coverage and rates of remuneration.
Out of network: I’ll provide receipts with all the proper industry codes and information that insurance companies require to submit claims for reimbursement.
Setting: I am currently conducting all therapy sessions online via a secure audiovisual weblink (In the beginning, I was quite skeptical, that some of the feeling of in person presence would be lost online. But I have found that the online environment quickly becomes a non-issue; that as much intensity and personality that comes with a good therapy session remains intact.)
Populations: Adolescents and adults
Serving: Individual and Couples (and family members if relevant and feasible)
Specialties: Rather than provide a long bullet list of issues I’ve worked with successfully, I’ll mention a few that are more prominent.
- PTSD/Complex PTSD
- Other trauma-inducing conditions, e.g. abuse, relationship violence/trauma, rape and other “little t” trauma history with significant adult manifestations
- Dissociative Identity Disorder and its variations
- Depression and anxiety conditions and all their collateral damage ꞉
- Major depression
- General, persistent malaise (also known as dysthymia)
- Panic attacks and generalized anxiety predispositions
- Relationship conflicts and interpersonal dissatisfaction
- Adverse developmental circumstances/toxic relationship scripts and consequent areas of adult maladjustment
- Personal growth—getting “unstuck”