Thomas Stanger, Ph.D.

When Dr. Stanger isn’t working with clients, he is “going to the dogs.”
Professional Positions
- 2017- Private Practice, Virginia
- Individual and couples, adolescents and adults
- 2001-2015 Director, University Counseling Center
- University of Texas, Permian Basin
- Northern Michigan University
- 1993-2001 Staff psychologist, Counseling and Psychological Services, Appalachian State University
- Clinical Services Director
- Individual, couples, and group therapy
- Clinical supervisor – Master’s and Doctoral interns and staff
- Leader, group therapy program
- Developed Understand Self and Others program and Marathon [Therapeutic Weekend] group therapy
- Crisis intervention
- Trainer/Teacher, clinical apprentices
- Database creator and developer, clinical services
- Consultation and outreach: students, staff and faculty
- 1987-1993 University of Florida, master’s and doctoral program
- 1985-1987 VisionQuest – wilderness rehabilitation program
- 1980-1984 U.S. Peace Corps, Africa (Botswana)
Community Service
- Moderator, Dissociative Disorders [trauma therapists] Listserv
- Past President, North Carolina Society of Clinical Hypnosis
- American Red Cross, consultant
- Crisis Community Intervention Team, Alachua County Crisis Center
- Leader, Chronically Suicidal/Borderline Personality Disorder group
Other Stuff
- Languages: Setswana, Swahili
- Sports: All American (Racquetball); High Country 9-ball champion (pool); Botswana national champion team MVP (basketball); Botswana national champion team coach (girls’ volleyball)