Marathon Group Therapy: Potential for University Counseling Centers and Beyond
Supervision: Users’ Guidelines
Hypnotic Techniques to Facilitate Responsivity in Low-Responsive Subjects
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors: The Effects of Feedback Evaluations from Colleagues and Supervisors
…In The North Carolina Society of Clinical Hypnosis Newsletter
Coming and Going—Leaving is Hard: A Learning Community that will be Missed...
You Really Should Read This: the Current State of Hypnotherapy Training
Two for the Money—2 Presenters Not to Miss—Utilization and Potentiation Approaches
Presidential Ponderings: How to Better Our Interventions—a Humanistic Perspective
Core Beliefs and Focus on the Present: An interview with Michael Yapko: Dealing More Effectively with Depression, Anxiety and Family Roots
Hypnosis and Depression—The Past, the Present & the Future—Coming Together
Why Bother with Another Hypnosis Conference? Perspectives on Life-long Learning…